Even if the library works fine, they may decide that they should migrate to a brand new one ( for example, the one included with JDK1.4)? 即使库工作正常,如果他们决定应该迁移到全新的库(例如,包括在JDK1.4中的库),怎么办?
Before you panic and think you have to choose just one library, know that most them work fine together ( within reason), and sometimes mixing and matching is the best option. 在您为必须选择一个库而慌乱之前,要知道它们大多数都可以很好地协同工作(合理范围内)。
Among his more noteworthy contributions to society are those that bear his name, including the Carnegie Institute of Pittsburgh, which has a library, a museum of fine arts, and a museum of national history. 他对社会的较重要的贡献都以他的名字命名,其中包括匹兹堡卡耐基学校。
It is now manifest that, if you don't return the book to the library right now, you will have to pay a late fine. 很明显,如果你现在不把借书归还图书馆,就要缴超期罚款。种竹成林。
I suspect that the real attraction was a large library of fine books, which was left to dust and spiders since Uncle March died. 我猜想真正吸引乔的是一个装满了漂亮图书的大藏书室,这个房间自马奇叔叔去世后便积满了灰尘和蜘蛛网。
Inquiry for Library Rule of "fine for overdue returning books payment" 图书馆“逾期还书罚款”制质疑
Build up a big library, a fine reputation, a thriving business 逐步建起一座大图书馆、逐步赢得好的声誉、逐步建立起兴旺发达的事业
We use SolrJ, the Java Solr library, to talk to Apache Solr, Joda-Time for date time manipulation and Mockito for unit test mocking ( this worked fine with Scala code too). 用Joda-time来做时间处理,用Mockito做mock(这个类库也能跟Scala代码协同工作)。
Library is the fine soil for Practizing the theory of "three representationss" 图书馆是实践“三个代表”的优质土壤
Under the library regulations a fine of three pence will be imposed in respect of each day that a book is overdue. 根据图书馆的规定,凡逾期归还的图书,每超过一天每本罚款3便士。
Walk along the road, then turn right, and you'll find out the library 30 meters ahead. My father owned a rice mill when he was alive, and we were doing fine. 沿着这条道走,然后右拐,在前面30米处你就会看到图书馆。
University library's cultural medium reserve is the prominent cultural carrier, these cultural medium reserve has characteristics and so on fine specially new depth. 大学图书馆的文化媒介储备是大学作为突出文化载体的特点,这些文化媒介储备具有精专新深等特征。
Discussion on the Reading Trend of University Students According to the Book Circulation Data of Library& Taking Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts as an Example 从图书流通数据分析大学生的阅读倾向&以广州美术学院图书馆为例
Sound library is extensive* drove my wife mad playing with them all. Speaker volume is fine and phone ring/ alerts are loud and crisp. 铃声非常丰富-几乎让我的妻子听的发疯。扬声器的音量不错而且铃声和闹钟的声音清脆和响亮。
This library is really a very fine one. 这座图书馆真不错。
The writer gives some opinions and suggestions on the setting of arts categories about the 《 Classification of Chinese Library 》( 4~ ( th) edition) from the fine arts documents and classification. 以美术类文献及其分类工作的实际需要出发,对《中图法》美术类目的设置,提出意见和建议。
This paper explains that university library service should innovate theoretically and practically from its concept, content, form, means and fine quality in the 21st century. 本文阐释了21世纪高校图书馆在读者服务观念、内容、形式、手段和服务品牌上的创新。
Analysis on the Library Building Features and Functions of Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts 天津美术学院图书馆建筑特色及功能分析
Library has made "fine for overdue returning books payment", there is not only follow the law, but also contradict of real relationship each other between reader and library. 图书馆对逾期还书罚款的规定缺少法律依据,而且有悖与读者之间的真实关系。
This paper discusses how to make reader serials of academic library in the new time. Viewing some working practice and samples, it emphasizes the correct allocation of the tenet and fine setting of the columns. 探讨了在新时期如何办好高校图书馆的读者报刊,结合办刊实践和实例,重点强调了图书馆自办读者报刊宗旨的正确定位和栏目的精心设置。
Using the standard case library as test samples, this program can successfully achieve binary bit-stream files, which proves the fine combinability of the assembling program with other modules of FPGA supporting software system and the ability of completing the auto-design of FPGA. 通过以标准例库作为测试实例,该工具能够成功的得到二进制位流文件。实验证明本文所设计的汇编工具可以与FPGA支持软件系统的其它模块很好的结合在一起,完成FPGA的自动化设计。